
Jackie and Lynn's family

I LOVE shooting family portrait sessions!!! I can't get enough of it, it's just so much fun! These little kids with their personalities and the moment they share with their parents. They are fascinating, they just do whatever they want to do. I hope they will enjoy these when they grow up.

Jackie and Joey
; our awesome couple from Milwaukee planned a visit to Texas recently. Not only we get to meet Connor; their brand new cutie baby boy we get to shoot Jackie's sister; Lynn's family too.

Lynn and her son Thien.

Joey and Connor, a mini version of himself.

Hanh a.k.a. "baby girl" as everyone calls her. Just standing there starring at us looking adorable.

Jackie trying to entertain Connor.

Bao and his little baby girl.

Double hand holdings.

Bao and Lynn are so cute together. They just make each other laugh and smile ^_^ They said the last time they had their picture taken for just the two of them was at their wedding.

Same here, just mommy and daddy on this one.

Annaly's Soukhouane/Day Thang

It was our joy and pleasure to be able to be there to capture Annaly as she celebrated her first Lao ritual Soukhouane and Vietnamese Day Thang ceremonies.

A little more information on the ceremony just in case anyone curious about it. The ceremony is a ritual used to well-wish for many events: marriage, birth, travel, etc... A number of people sit around the Phakhouan (the spirit tray), which is decorated with flowers, folded bananas leaves and branches with white cotton strings hanging down; bananas, boiled eggs, pastries, liquors and money are placed surrounding the base of the PhaKhouan as offering to the spirits in attendance. The ceremony will not happen if there is no MorPhorn (Wish priest). Usually an elder who spent some times as a Monk - presides over the ritual. He lights the candles which have been placed on top of Phakhouan. He then gives prayers while all attendance hold their hands in a prayer-like, palm-together pose. If there are too many participants for everyone to reach the base of the PhaKwan, it's permissible to touch the elbow of some who can reach it, thus forming a human chain. Later everyone takes a white string and ties around each wrist of the honored guests while wishpering a short, well-wishing recitation. Foods and drinks are served after the ceremony and following with a party.

She is so good, no crying no fussing, she just slept through it.

The elder tied 'Sai Sin' around Lyly's wrist. The sacred white cord called sai sin is meant to ward off ghosts and evil spirits.

And now on Annaly's wrist.

I love this moment! Annaly is up and active while Julian tied 'sai sin' on her tiny wrist. It's like she knows what he is saying. If I recall correctly he said "when you grow up don't forget mommy and daddy, ok!?" It was real sweet!

Kids being kids, doing their thing ;)

No caption needed I don't think hehe.

Almost everyone held Annaly and she didn't mind one bit. What a sweet baby!!!

Lyly and Julian, thanks again for calling and wanting us to be a part in welcoming little Annaly into your families. We are truly honored!

WPJA Q2 2009 wedding photography contest

So... WPJA announced results of the last Q2 WPJA contest recently and we are happy to have 3 of our images place among all the inspiring imagery. Whoo hoo!

A great article on "Wedding Photography"

Two days ago Scott and I had a meeting with our prospective bride and groom and they came up with a few excellent questions. One of them was about our gear; do we have back up, what kind of equipment we have and etc?! I couldn't help but have to tell story about how Scott fell into the decorated chest-deep pool at Misti and Rob's wedding and that we have plenty of back up equipment (here is the blog post for more detailed info. on the dunk, lessons learned and our gear) and proceeded to show and tell about our imagery from that wedding and how we didn't miss a beat, which even our couple said themselves.

Well, I want to share this interesting article from Seattle Bride by Cody Ellerd. Cody is a professional travel writer who went to shoot a wedding for Seattle Bride and here is the article. It's definitely eye opening to read another perspective of what we feel is our position being seen from the other side of the fence... and understood. Very illuminating! ^_^

Let me not spoil it!

The Castellanos Family

Check out some of our favorites from Leticia, Rodrigo, and little Sebastien's family session at the Dallas Arboretum. We were joined by Rodrigo's parents who helped us play with Sebastien and even get to pose a little for some photos of just them as well.

Thanks guys! We had fun!